Hot Apple Cider
It was back right after Thanksgiving that I got on my present apple cider kick. Was looking in the supermarket for some kind of fruit juice, found that most of them featured high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient. Then I noticed that apple cider was, well, just water and apple juice concentrate. So I got some apple cider. And I've been going through it ever since, by the gallon.
I find it hard to drink apple cider cold. Something about the taste— same as with apple juice. But warm the apple cider up, and it's a whole 'nother story. Some other time we'll get into what a Selective Luddite™ I am; but I do appreciate the microwave. A coffee cup of apple cider will heat up to just the right temperature in
One great thing to do with a cup of hot apple cider is to go curl up on the couch. Preferably with a blanket over me— I use an
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