Phillips Screwdriver?
Oh dear. This is one of those items that makes me feel like my head is going to explode. Sort of like a Cretan who says that all Cretans are liars. Or a barber who shaves all men in the village who don't shave themselves.
I picked this little screwdriver up in an antique shop the other day. For only a dollar. I picked it up because I thought it looked cool, like something I might have expected to find in a kitchen drawer at my grandparents' farmhouse, back circa 1964.
It wasn't until after I'd bought it that I noticed the head-exploding properties of this screwdriver. I mean, take a close look at the tip on this screwdriver, and take a close look at the logo on this screwdriver, and then you tell me: Is this a Phillips screwdriver, or is this not a Phillips screwdriver?
Uh, oh. I'm afraid the only possible answer is: No, this is not a Phillips screwdriver, and yet at the very same time, yes, this is a Phillips screwdriver.
Aiieeeeee!! It's the Phillips screwdriver paradox!!!
<head goes ka-boom!!!>
Labels: pictorial
Let a set which does not contain itself be called "ordinary." If a set is not ordinary, let it be called "extraordinary."
Let C be the set that contains all ordinary sets. What sort of set is C?
This kind of problem makes me thirsty...I think I'll go get a screwdriver! (I crack myself up!)
Phillip's Milk of Magnesia, Orange Juice and Vodka = Phillips Screwdriver
Or you could short-circuit the whole train of thought by observing that, while it is a screwdriver with a Phillips 66 logo on it, it is not a phillips-head screwdriver.
Heinlien once said that all apparent paradoxes are either impossible, or improperly formulated. I sometimes wonder if he was correct. :)
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